Zen’s Story



I’m Claudia, the founder of Zen Plant Care. I’m so excited you’re here and checking out the amazing services! Let me tell you a little about my journey so you can understand who I am (since I will likely be servicing your plant babies).

Once upon a time, I worked at a well-established plant nursery. It was wonderful expanding my knowledge and being surrounded by plants every day. I eventually started plant maintenance where I visited residential and commercial buildings to take detailed care of their plants on a weekly and biweekly basis.

From there, I began to notice the health of plants everywhere I went, including friends’ houses and restaurants. Sometimes they were thriving! But most of the time they needed some TLC. In addition to this, customers at the nursery were asking for plant sitters while they were on vacation, enough to where I started thinking more about how I could help…

Long story short, I started Zen Plant Care, which strives to help preserve the health and beauty of houseplants, adapting to all of your plant needs.

Meet the Owner

Originally From: Washington state

Favorite Plant: Jurassic begonia rex

Favorite Pastime Hobbies: Reading, making to-do lists, dancing

about claudia grimm girl on hillside
person hiding behind plant leaf

About Zen


Zen means “peaceful and calm.” This is how we want you to feel. Amidst my mindfulness journey, I created Steps of Impact, a site that teaches sustainable practices in mental health and green living. I’ve learned during its creation that everyone can make a difference, from supporting your family financially to gaining self-confidence. It starts with a healthy, calm mindset, especially regarding your home life. I will provide you with peace of mind by taking a task off your hands so you can appreciate what plants have to offer.

One small step can make an impact.

green plants
dolphins swimming

We donate 10% of our profits to save the environment.

Check out how we’re helping the earth through The Nature Conservancy.

woman picking up hay in field
waterfall over rocks

The Woman With 100 Houseplants

The Woman With 100 Houseplants

A short story for everyone, this book is a fun gateway into women's mental health, specifically, overwhelm. It reminds us that asking for help can assist our health in the long run.

I hope you enjoy my first self-published piece of work that pertains to my first business! Let it be an inspiration to reach your goals.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases (from my own book!)